The F Word

The FUCK word!Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the Englishlanguage is the word „Fuck.“ It is the one magical word, which, just by it’s sound describes pain, pleasure, love, and hate.In language, „Fuck“ falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John). It can be an active verb (Mary doesn’t really give a fuck); or an adverb (Mary is really fucking interested in John); and as a noun, (Mary is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful). As you see, there are veryfew words with the versatility of „Fuck.“Besides It’s sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used todescribe many situations:It can be used in an anatomical description – „He’s a fucking asshole.“It can be used to tell time – „It’s five fucking thirty.“It can be used in business – „How did I end up with this fucking job?“It can be maternal – as in „Motherfucker.“Valuable Vocabulary Chart Below:=====================================================================Greetings……………………………….“How the fuck are you?“Fraud………………………….“I got fucked by the car dealer.“Dismay………………………………………….“Oh, fuck it.“Trouble………………………….“Hell, I guess I’m fucked now.“Aggression…………………………………………“Fuck you.“Disgust…………………………………………….“Fuck me.“Confusion…………………………………..“What the fuck…?“Difficulty…………….“I don’t understand this fucking business.“Despair………………………………………..“Fucked again.“Exasperation…………………………………“For fuck’s sake.“Enjoyment………………………………“This is fucking great.“Hostility……………..“I’m going to knock your fucking head off.“Stupidity………………………….“Geir Bergerud is a Fuckwad!“Incompetence……………………………..“He’s such a fuck-up.“Ignorance…………………………………….“Fuck if I know.“Displeasure…………………….“What the fuck is going on here?“Lost…………………………………..“Where the fuck are we?“Disbelief………………………………..“Unfuckingbelievable!“Retaliation………………………………“Up your fucking ass.“Surprise…………………………………………..“Fuckin A!“Surprise………………………………..“Well, I’ll be fucked.“Suspicion…………………………“What the fuck are you doing?“Contempt…………………“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!“

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