Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 05 Supposedly, these are actual advertisements that have appeared in papers across the country. Wanted. Widower with school-age children requires person to assume general housekeeping…
Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 04 Supposedly, these are actual advertisements that have appeared in papers across the country. Modular Sofas. Only $299. For rest or fore play. Wanted: Hair-cutter….
Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 03 Supposedly, these are actual advertisements that have appeared in papers across the country. Toaster: A gift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically…
Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 02 Supposedly, these are actual advertisements that have appeared in papers across the country. For Sale — Eight puppies from a German Shepperd and an…
Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 01 Supposedly, these are actual advertisements that have appeared in papers across the country. Lost: small apricot poodle. Reward. Neutered. Like one of the family….
Januar 6, 2021 Real advertisements 06 Believe it or not, the following announcements actually appeared in various church bulletins. Don’t let worry kill you — let the church help. Thursday…
Januar 6, 2021 Advertisements |Believe it or not, the following announcements actually appeared in various church bulletins. Don’t let worry kill you — let the church help. Thursday…