Januar 6, 2021 Should I have a baby after 35? Should I have a baby after 35?No, 35 children is enough.
Januar 6, 2021 After years of psychotherapy… After years of psychotherapy, John no longer believeshe is a grain of wheat. However, one day he and afriend came across a chicken, and…
Januar 6, 2021 After years with a psychiatrist, a man who thought… After years with a psychiatrist, a man who thought he was a dog was declared cured. A friend asked him how he felt now….
Januar 6, 2021 After a couple of years a couple wanted to have children… After a couple of years a couple wanted to have children, but nothing worked.So they went to a doctor, and got checked over.The doctor…
Januar 6, 2021 Two prostitutes, after Christmas holidays… Two prostitutes, after Christmas holidays:- What did you ask Santa Claus to give you?- Hundred dollars, as usual.
Januar 6, 2021 Do you smoke after sex? Boyfriend: Do you smoke after sex?Girlfriend: Dunno, I’ve never looked
Januar 6, 2021 Darling, she whispered after they had finished making love… „Darling,“ she whispered after they had finished making love, „Will you still make love like that to me after we’re married ?“He considered this…
Januar 6, 2021 What do you do after you just raped a 12yr old deaf & dumb girl ? What do you do after you just raped a 12yr old deaf & dumb girl ?Break her fingers so she can’t tell her mum.
Januar 6, 2021 Why do Black widow spiders kill there mates after mating? Why do Black widow spiders kill there mates after mating?To stop the snoring before it starts..
Januar 6, 2021 After their love-making session the young bride asks her husband… After their love-making session the young bride asks her husband „Wasmaking love to me really the same as making love to Marilyn Monroe?““Yes, she’s…