Januar 6, 2021 A man was interviewing for a sales representative… A man was interviewing for a sales representative. One candidate wouldhave been ideal for the position except that he had a disconcertingmannerism. He kept…
Januar 6, 2021 Sleep well Life Insurance Agent:Don’t let me frighten you into a decision. Sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me…
Januar 6, 2021 The crusty old managing partner finally passed away… The crusty old managing partner finally passed away, but his law firm kept receiving calls asking to speak with him. „I’m sorry, he’s dead,“…
Januar 6, 2021 Jon starts working in a lumber camp… Jon starts working in a lumber camp. The boss says, „We work twelve hours a day, we eat two meals a day, lights out…
Januar 6, 2021 A succession of generations The village blacksmith finally found an apprentice willing to work hard at low pay for long hours. The blacksmith immediately began his instructions to…
Januar 6, 2021 Calling in Sick…. Calling in Sick…. A Cat Owner’s Story Calling in sick to work makes me uncomfortable because no matter how legitimate my illness, I always…
Januar 6, 2021 It had taken him several months, but the executive… It had taken him several months, but the executive vice presidenthad finally persuaded his new secretary to bend over the backof his leather couch…
Januar 6, 2021 A man goes to his bank manager and says… A man goes to his bank manager and says „I’d like to start a small business how do I go about it?“The bank manager…
Januar 6, 2021 As the end of the day drew near… As the end of the day drew near, the handsome executive called his newly hired assistant into his office. „Do you know what time…
Januar 6, 2021 NOTIFICATION TO ALL STAFF REGARDING LANGUAGE NOTIFICATION TO ALL STAFF REGARDING LANGUAGEIt has been brought to our attention that some individuals have beenusing foul language during the execution of their…