Januar 6, 2021 What has a woman got in common with a box of Kentucky Fried Chicken? What has a woman got in common with a box of Kentucky Fried Chicken?Once you get past the tender breast and the juicy thigh,…
Januar 6, 2021 what do you get when a chicken cross the road falls and… Q. what do you get when a chicken cross the road falls in the dirt and then recrossesA. a dirty crosserSent by Corey
Januar 6, 2021 A chicken and an egg are lying in bed… A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smokinga cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face and the egg…
Januar 6, 2021 The Cow and the Chicken So there is a cow and a chicken. And the cow goes… Baak!Baak! LOL (why would a cow go baak!?!) LOLAnd… LOL…the chicken goes…
Januar 6, 2021 The Cow and the Chicken So there is a cow and a chicken. And the cow goes… Baak!Baak! LOL (why would a cow go baak!?!) LOLAnd… LOL…the chicken goes…