Januar 6, 2021 Man On Sofa And Football Watcher What is the difference between a sofa and a man watching Monday Night Football?The sofa doesn’t keep asking for beer.
Januar 6, 2021 Riddle: IQ and Football What has eight arms and an I.Q. of 60?Four guys watching a football game.
Januar 6, 2021 Football try-outs. Q: Why didn’t the monster make the football team?A: Because he threw like a ghoul!
Januar 6, 2021 Football Math! A football coach walked into the locker room before a big game, looked over to his star player and said, „I’m not supposed to…
Januar 6, 2021 Ready for some Football? An old man and his wife have gone to bed.After laying there a few minutes the old man farts and says,“Seven Points.“His wife rolls…
Januar 6, 2021 Mixed football jokes A burglary was recently committed at West Ham’s ground and the entire contents of the trophy room were stolen. The police are looking for…
Januar 6, 2021 Larry, a local football star, is jogging down the street… Larry, a local football star, is jogging down the street when he sees abuilding on fire. A lady is standing on a third story…
Januar 6, 2021 She's new to football |A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she liked the game.“I liked it, but I couldn’t…
Januar 6, 2021 football fan to rescue Two boys are playing football in Central Park when one is attacked by a rabid Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy rips off a…
Januar 6, 2021 Turkey Football The pro football team had just finished theirdaily practice session when a large turkey camestrutting onto the field.While the players gazed in amazement, the…