Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes Why do you need a driver’s licence to buy liquor when you can’t drink and drive?
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday School. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while…
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes This guy goes to the zoo one day. While standing in front of the gorilla’s cage, a gust of wind swept some dust into…
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes A drunk stammers out of a bar and runs into two priests. He runs up to them and says, “I’m Jesus Christ.“ The first…
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes A Texan walks into a pub in Ireland and clears his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He says, „I hear you Irish are…
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes What do monkeys sing at Christmas ? Jungle Bells, Jungle bells.. !
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes Q: Why doesn’t the dinosaur cross the road anymore? A: Because their eggs stink. (They’re extinct)
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes A minister gave a talk to the Lions Club on sex. When he got home, he couldn’t tell his wife that he had spoken…
Januar 6, 2021 Funny jokes – 50 best jokes Why couldn’t the alligator send e-mails on his PC? Because it was on old croc.