St Peter and the Three Nuns

Three Nuns died and were up at outside the gates of Heaven. St. Peter wasthere with them. St. Peter decided he needed to quiz each nun with adifferent question to see if they really desereved to go to Heaven.St. Peter asked the first nun, „Nun, Who was the first man on earth?“ Shereplied, „That would be Adam.“ St. Peter let her through the gates.St. Peter walked up to the second nun and asked her, „Nun, Who was thefirst woman on earth?“ She replied, „That would be Eve.“ St. Peter let herthrough the gates.St. Peter walked up to the third nun and asked her, „What was the lastthing that Eve told Adam before they left Paradise?“The nun was puzzled. She thought about it for a long time.“HHHHMMMM,“ she said aloud, „Thats a hard one.“St. Peter let her through the gates.

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