1. Watch the sunset– on a sled.2. Smile more, –it might get you a free beer.3. Complain less. –It might get you a free beer.4. Surprise a friend with a call. — It might get you a free beer.5. Develop your gifts. — You might need them.6. Count your blessings. — You might need these too!7. Talk to someone in an elevator. — Particularly ones with Arctic Cat jackets on, or those carrying beer.8. Breathe consciously once in a while. — This cures snoring.9. Enjoy sneezes — and stay behind the one sneezing.10. Appreciate that your leg isn’t broken, — unless you are an actor.11. Be unique, –it demonstrates difference!12. Sing in the shower. — With a friend!13. Put your shoes on the wrong feet and laugh at yourself, — or have someone laugh at you.14. Make someone’s day, — or night.15. Stand on your head. — For a free beer!16. Stare at the world above you. — Hopefully not from under a bar.17. Play with an animal. — Be sure it is one which cannot eat you!18. Slurp Jell-O. –Add Vodka for flavor.19. Do something unplanned. — Plan to do it this weekend!20. Plan to do something and have it go as planned. — This is hard!21. Stand back and look in. — Tell my wife this when shopping all the time.22. Appreciate a paradox — paradox a appreciate.23. Dive in. — Naked!24. Get grass stains. — Naked :)25. Wave your hands in the air.– Use the middle finger at birds.26. Swim with the fishes. — Again, naked.27. Make maple syrup. — Don’t use pine juice.28. Climb a tree. –Don’t climb a pine.29. Spin in a circle once while walking to class. — Don’t fall in a mud puddle.30. Tell someone they look nice. — You look nice.31. Collect something, — like taxes from the tax collector!32. Walk barefoot every chance you get. — Even in the snow!33. Build a sand castle, — or a snowman.34. Walk with no destination. — Talk with no destination.35. When all your exams are done, treat yourself to an ice cream cone. — OK I WILL! Then a beer.36. Entertain yourself by making faces. — bend over and see if they look the same.37. Don’t just listen, try to hear. –Then try to listen to a friend.38. Wear shoes until they’re so old they won’t stay on your feet. –Then wear them swimming.39. Appreciate the primary colors. — Know them!40. When you wake up, realize you’re alive. — Promise not to use vulgarities.41. Walk in the rain, — with a bar of soap.42. Blow bubbles, — in the tub!43. Make the most of where you are. — Ride an Arctic Cat!44. Jump as high as you can. — Come down on an empty beer can, and recycle it.45. Dance — in bed46. Talk less and say more. –Carry a BIG stick.47. Exercise before you diet. — 12 oz. curls don’t count do they?48. Learn to play chess. — That and Linear Algebra may come in handy.49. Sit by a river. — With a beer, on an Arctic Cat.50. Never lose your sense of humor. — You will need it!