Januar 6, 2021 A horse walks into a bar… A horse walks into a bar. Bartender says: „So, why the long face?“
Januar 6, 2021 Did you know elephants have sex organs on their feet? Did you know elephants have sex organs on their feet? They step on you and you’re screwedSent by D.L.Chapin
Januar 6, 2021 A vacationing penguin is driving through Arizona… A vacationing penguin is driving through Arizona when he noticesthat the oil-pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping…
Januar 6, 2021 How do you make a cat drink? How do you make a cat drink?1 cat2 lemonsVodkaMix then serve
Januar 6, 2021 Bying a horse This guy owns a horse stud farm, and gets a call from a friend“I know this midget with a speech impediment who wants to…
Januar 6, 2021 What do you get when you cross a Rooster with an owl? What do you get when you cross a Rooster with an owl?A Cock that can stay up all night!!
Januar 6, 2021 An old bloke in the Northern Territory was showing… An old bloke in the Northern Territory was showing some tourists how to top up a camel with water.“That way,“ he said, „You get…
Januar 6, 2021 There were two guys walking down the street… There were two guys walking down the streetand they saw a dog licking his nuts.One of the guys said. „Man I wish I could…
Januar 6, 2021 At an auction During an auction of exotic pets, a woman who had placeda winning bid told the auctioneer, „I’m paying a fortunefor that parrot. I hope…
Januar 6, 2021 Nice, but rough An elephant was having a horrible time in the jungle because a horseflykept biting near her tail and there was nothing she could do…