Ebonics 101

Welcome to EBONICS 101Herein follow a few terms to help you get started on your merry way towards the ve-nak-u-lar…“Damn- that shit is DOPE!“That is a wonderful concept/object/action.“Can’t FADE that.“I am unable to comprehend or assimilate that concept at this time.“Shante ain’t havin‘ it.“This is not something that Shante will allow to occur.“Homey- Boo was dropping PHAT beats.“Our friend Boo was playing some wonderful music.“YO!- Let me GAFFLE that BLUNT!“Might I be able to indulge in your marijuana cigarette?“JIMMY was on and I was HITTIN‘ it!“I had in my possession a condom, which was used in my engagement of sexual activity.“What’s up? Why you ALL UP in my shit!?!“Please sir/madam- stay out of my affairs.“She is HELLA‘ CLOWIN‘ you HOMEY!“The woman is creatively informing you that her interest in dating you is non-existent at this time.“Woooooo- Renaldo was PITCHIN‘ STRAIGHT GAME to baby-doll, and it was SMOOOOVE!“Renaldo was creatively inquiring as to the marital status of the female, with the intention of asking her on a date.“STEP OFF Cool- before I bust PHAT CAPS in your A** with my NEINER…“ It would be beneficial to your physical state to leave this area, as I will soon be encouraged by your disrespect towards me to shoot bullets into your buttocks with my 9mm pistol.“Why is 5-OH always BUGGIN‘!?!“~~~~Why are the police officers always worried?“Friday night- COLD CHILLIN‘ with a 40 and a BLUNT.“~~~~It is Friday eve, and I am leisurely enjoying a forty ounce bottle of malt liquor and a marijuana cigarette.

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