|The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.St. Paul, MNThe hit movie „Home Alone“ about a boy thwarting burglars with imaginative mayhem, wasn’t total fantasy. Just ask the guy who tried to break in while 13-year-old Ryan Hendrickson was home alone.Ryan was watching television Wednesday night when he heard a noise that sounded like a window screen being cut.“I ran to the closet and grabbed a bat,“ Ryan said Thursday. „I went…into the dining room, where I saw him cutting the window with a knife. He put his left hand in first and I was waiting for his right hand to come in…and I took the baseball bat and I hit him as hard as I could.“The man ran. Ryan called 911.Police, while cautioning Ryan to call 911 first next time, did enjoy the fact that the kid got in the first lick against a bad guy.