|(Setting the scene, Ballymun outside of Dublin has a reputation as a rough spot) Fifteen minutes into Aer Lingus Flight EI109 from Madrid to Dublin the Plane encounters a serious problem with the Instrument landing systems. In a Fit of Panic, Paddy the Pilot turns to his co-Pilot and says. „Jazus Mick…Well have to turn back…none of the equipment is working!.“ Mick says to Paddy; „No Problem…Sure I can tell where we are by sticking my hand out the Window! „OK!“ says Paddy, „Where are we then?“Mick winds down the window and sticks his hand out and replies; „Well Paddy, I reckon were over the Bay of Biscay. The humidity seems to be gone out of the air. This is caused by the seawater. Just Head North““Brilliant!“ replies Paddy, and precedes north bound. Fifteen Minutes later Paddy asks: “ Where are we now Mick?“Mick winds down the window and sticks his hand out and replies; “ Were over the English Channel now. The air is much cooler here. Just head in a north easterly direction.“Thirty minutes Later Paddy asks: “ Where are we now Mick?“ Mick winds down the window and sticks his hand out and replies; „Were over the Ballymun flats. Quick…Bank left here and you should be on Course for Runway One. Paddy, Responds and 5 minutes later the plane lands safely on Runway One. Paddy turns to Mick and says: „That was Brilliant…But…Tell Me . How did you know we were over the Ballymun Flats“. „Well!“ said Mick…When I pulled my hand back in.. My Watch was Gone!“
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