A young lesbian goes to her gynecologist for her yearly pelvicexamination. She puts on the paper gown and awaits him to come intothe exam room. He instructs her to get up onto the table and placeher feet in the stirrups. As he is examining her she hears him saying „mmmm… mmmhmmm“. Hecompletes the examination, instructs her to dress and then meet himin his office when she is done.In his office she asks him if there was anything unusual that heobserved during the exam because she could not help but hear hisnon-verbal comments.“Oh, that“ he says.“ I was just admiring you. You have the cleanestvaginal area that I have ever seen in all my years of practice.“The young woman proudly smiled and replied, „Why thank you! I have awoman come in twice a week and clean it!“