|What do you get if you cross Father Christmas with a detective?Santa Clues!Father Christmas win a saucepan in a competition.Now thats what you call pot luck!What do the reindeer sing to Father Christmas on his birthday ?Freeze a jolly good fellow ! What do you call a man who claps at Christmas ?Santapplause ! Twinkle Twinkle chocolate barSanta drives a rusty carPress the starterPress the chokeOff he goes in a cloud of smoke ! Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas ?Santa Jaws ! Why does Father Christmas like to work in the garden ?Because he likes to hoe, hoe, hoe ! Why is a cat on a beach like Christmas ?Because they both have „Sandy claws“ ! What does Father Christmas call his money ?Iced lolly ? What’s Father Christmas called when he takes a rest while delivering presents ?Santa pause !
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