In line for brains, thought they said were handing out milkshakes, and he asked for „extra thick.“ In need of a ROM upgrade. In serious need of attitude adjustment. In the shopping mall of the mind, he’s in the toy store. In touch with her higher power, but out of touch with the rest of us. Includes a „thank you“ note with her tax returns. Infinite space between her ears. Informationally deprived. Inhabits her own private timezone. Inspected by #13. Inspired the slogan, „A mind is a terrible thing to waste.“ Intellectually/synaptically challenged. Invented a pencil with an eraser on each end. Invented a submarine with a screen door. IQ = dx / (1 + dx), where x = age. Q lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon-rut. It’s hard to believe he beat 100,000 other sperm. Just another flash in the bedpan. Keeps his imagination on a long leash. Knitting with only one needle. Knows his sports, but his understanding is limited to violence. Landing with his gear/brain up and locked. Leaky sunroof. Left hand threaded. Left his booster on the launch pad. Left the store without all of his groceries. Leveled off before reaching altitude. Life by Norman Rockwell, but screenplay by Stephen King. Lightbulb over his head is burned out. Lights are on but nobody’s home.
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