Traveling faster than light, but left his sneakers behind. Traveling without a passport/towel. Trips over cordless phones. Truck can’t haul a full load. Trying out for the javelin retrieval team. Tuning in shortwave with a TV antenna. Two bits shy of a word/dollar. Two chapters short of a novel. Two degrees off square. Two inches taller than spherical. Two saucers short of a tea-service. Two sheep short of a sweater. Two socks short of a pair. Two suits short of a full deck. (A half-wit.) Types 120 words a minute but her keyboard isn’t plugged in. Ugly as a warthog and half as smart. Unclear which of Newton’s three laws of motion keeps his ears apart. Understands English as well as any parrot. Used to have a handle on life, but it broke. Useful as a chocolate teapot. Useful as a football bat. Useful as a hip pocket on a T-shirt. Useful as a kickstand on a horse. Useful as a mint-flavored suppository. Useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle. Useful as dinosaur repellent. Useful as tits on a bullfrog / bull / boar-hog. Uses all three functional neurons for his best work. Uses his head best for rolling Easter eggs. Uses his head to keep the rain out of his neck.
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