The CIA was recruiting for a top secret assignment. They weredown to three recruits, two men and one woman. Only one couldget the position. As a final test each recruit was led down ahallway to a large gray door. The CIA agents say to the firstman, „We need to know that you will do whatever we sayregardless of the circumstances. Take this gun, go into thisroom and kill your wife“. A look of shock comes over the man’sface. He says, „I can’t kill my wife. I just can’t do it. Iguess I’m not the man for this job“. „No, you’re not“, agreethe agents, „You’re free to go“. They bring the second man to the door and say, „We need to knowthat you will do whatever we say regardless of the circumstances.Take this gun, go into this room and kill your wife“. The mantakes the gun and goes into the room. The room is silent andafter five minutes the man opens the door, tears streaming downhis face. „I tried,“ he says, „but I just couldn’t do it. I can’tkill my wife“. The agents let him leave. They bring the woman to the door and say, „We need to know thatyou will do whatever we say regardless of the circumstances. Takethis gun, go into this room and kill your husband“. She takes thegun and before the door closes behind her, she shoots off all 13rounds emptying the gun. The door closes behind her and for thenext five minutes the agents hear loud banging and grunting. Thedoor finally opens, revealing the sweat-drenched woman. She looksat both agents, wipes her brow and says, „Whew! You guys didn’ttell me that the gun was filled with blanks – I had to beat him todeath with the chair!“
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