You think you got it bad? All night long I deal with soot in the chimneys, smelly socks, cross dogs, getting shot at, mistaken for a stork, driving all night in the snow – damn near got killed by a 747. Mrs. Clause is pissed off cause I got in so late.Donner and Blitzen and Rudolph got the „runs“ over Albuquerque and you should see my suit. The freaking elves won’t clean the sleigh unless I pay them double time.I’m so sick of cookies and milk, I could vomit. The only highball I had all night was when I slipped getting out of my sleighMy prostate is giving me hell. I peed my pants at 20,000 feet and froze my butt to the seat. I’m allergic to pine needles. I itch all over and I think my hemorrhoids are back.HO! HO! HO! A very MERRY CHRISTMAS,…NOT! Santa
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