Insensitive Term—Preferred Term: ETHNICITYPC people do not recognize the term, „race,“ as validBlack- African-Canadian, (NOTE: DOES NOT INCLUDE: LIBYANS, EGYPTIANS, WHITE South AFRICANS. DOES INCLUDE: PEOPLE WITH DARK SKIN REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY ARE FROM OR WHERE THEY LIVE.)Oriental- Asian-Canadian (Note: Not Considered „REAL“ Minorities since they tend to do well)Indian- Native-Canadian (NOTE: The following terms are no PC: Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Chiefs, Washington Redskins, (Avoid these cities!)Chicano -Hispanic (NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT PC: Cheech and Chong, Chico and the Man episodes, Cisco Kid, Rosarita Salsa, Speedy Gonzales, AVOID! AVOID!)White Trash-PC Unaware, Rustically InclinedWASP (white male)-insensitive Cultural Oppressor (ICO)GENDER-(PC people don’t like the word „sex“ as it has confusing connotations) Woman- Womyn; Vaginal-CanadianGirl-Pre-WomynHousewife-Domestic EngineerFireman-FirefighterStewardess-Flight AttendantMeter Maid-Parking Enforcement AdjudicatorPost Man-Post Person Mail Man Person PersonPoliceman-Law Enforcement Officer; Baton Boy Cal. ClubberProstitute-Sex Surrogate (Teen Victim. See: Broken Home)Mankind/Human-Earth ChildrenHandicapped-Physically Challenged Differently Abled Handi-CapableBlind-Optically Darker Photonically Non-receptiveDeaf-Visually OrientedPoor-Economically UnpreparedBum-Homeless Person Displaced Homeowner Hunter-Animal Assassin Meat Mercenary Bambi ButcherWhaler-Blubber LoversOld Person /Elderly-4th-Dimentionally Extended Gerontologically AdvancedConservative-Right Wing Extremist Fascist PigDrug Addict-Chemically ChallengedBald-Comb-FreeBisexual-Sexually Non-preferentialMidget, Dwarf-Little People, Vertically ChallengedConvict-Socially SeparatedInsane People-Selectively Perceptive Mental ExplorersLearning Disability-Self-Paced Cognitive AbilityTree-Hugger-Environmental ActivistLogger-Wood Weasel, Paper Pirate, TreeslayerDead People-Dysfunctional Earth Children Biologically Challenged Metaphysically Challenged Broken Home-Dysfunctional FamilyHouseBroken-Family DysfunctionCattle Ranch-Cattle Concentration Camp (CCC) „Moo-shwitz“Senile Bag o’Bones-Alzheimer’s VictimGhetto/Barrio-(EHA) Ethnically Homogenous AreaPre-Integrated Pre-NirvanaHamburger-Seared Mutilated Animal Flesh (SMAF)Cheeseburger-Adding Insult to InjuryCheating (in School)-Academic DishonestyUsed Books-Recycled BooksTrees-Oxygen Exchange UnitsGang-Youth GroupSlum-(EOZ) Economic Oppression ZoneObese- People of Mass Gravitationally ChallengedDelicatessen- Corpse Farm Charnel House
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